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Installing your own software

Although many important packages are preinstalled into the images, you can install additional packages by yourself.

If you want to add python packages, you have two options:

  • Pip: Within a python notebook you can execute !pip install package_name to install the package package_name
  • Conda: Since most packages are installed in read-only folders, you have to create a new environment (see below)

Additionally, you can download and execute any file with user privileges using the terminal. With the X11 terminal (Konsole), you can also access GUI applications.

Create new conda environment as a kernel in JupyterHub


To install new packages you have to initialize your shell. To do so, open the terminal and execute:

conda init


To create a new environment with Python 3.11 and the package pandas under the name py311:

conda create --name py311 python=3.11 ipykernel #ipykernel is required 
conda activate py311
python -m ipykernel install --user --name py311 --display-name "Python (py311)"

After a reload of the page, you should be able to select your new eniroment as a kernel.